TechNote - Interop
Sunday, March 12, 2023
9:38 PM
The OneNote primary Interop assembly exposes a set of interfaces available to add-ins like OneMore. Like most other Office applications, OneNote has its own implementation of IApplication which declares properties and methods for interrogating the state of OneNote and requesting and updating page and hierarchy information.
The typical path of the OneNote PIA is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\Visual Studio Tools for Office\PIA\Office15\Microsoft.Office.Interop.OneNote.dll
OneMore encapsulates all access to the OneNote IApplication and Window interfaces through the River.OneMoreAddIn.OneNote class.
Interop Signaling Flow
While I do not have access to internal Microsoft design documents, we can infer the basic signaling between OneNote and an add-in. That likely resembles something like the following.
In general, when OneMore receives a signal from OneNote to execute a command, it then executes a workflow to interact with Onenote, including getting page or hierarchy information, processing that information, and sending an updated copy back to OneNote.
The OneNote IApplication interface exposes all OneNote information as XML. From OneMore's perspective, this is the native language it uses to talk to OneNote.
While requesting information from OneNote seems to be very quick, pushing updated information back to OneNote via its Interop layer can be very slow, which is evident when updating large or complex pages, especially those containing tables. OneMore logs execution times and even time-to-save for some particularlly troublesome commands, like Recalculate Formula.
OneMore Interop Signaling Flow PlantUML (Refresh)
title OneMore Interop Signaling Flow
skin rose
skinparam ParticipantPadding 20
skinparam BoxPadding 80
scale max 450 width
database one as store #LavenderBlush
participant OneNote
box dllhost
participant Interop #AliceBlue
participant OneMore
end box
note over OneNote: User initiates command from\nribbon, palette, or shortcut
OneNote -> Interop: Command
activate Interop #AliceBlue
Interop -> OneMore: Execute()
activate OneMore
OneMore -> Interop: GetPageContent
deactivate OneMore
Interop -> OneNote
OneNote --> store
store --> OneNote: Native models
note right: transform native models to XML
OneNote --> OneNote: Transform
OneNote --> Interop: XML
Interop --> OneMore: XML
activate OneMore
OneMore -> OneMore: process
OneMore -> Interop: UpdatePageContent()
Interop -> OneNote
OneNote --> OneNote: Transform
note right: transform XML to native models
OneNote --> store: Native models
deactivate OneMore
deactivate Interop
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